Faculty of Instructors
Shaykh Hunzla Zaidi
Shaykh Hunzla Zaidi was raised in Canton, Michigan. He started the memorization of the Quran at Masjid Bilal Ypsilanti under Qari Shahid Mahmood, and finished when he was ten years old. After middle school, high school, and a couple years of university level studies in the field of Biochemistry, Hunzla left the field and devoted himself full time to learning Deen. He studied at AlHussnain Seminary, a branch of senior scholar Maulana Tariq Jameel’s schools based in Pakistan. Shaykh Hunzla then finished his studies under the guidance of world renowned scholars in Jamia Uloom-ul-Islamia in Binori Town, Pakistan, receiving his certification of Hadith from there. He is currently a Miftaah Institute instructor.