January 8th -
May 7th, 2025
6:00 - 9:00 PM EST
Activity Center
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What is the
Miftaah Lite?

Miftaah Lite provides college students and adults a primer on their journey to attain in-depth knowledge of the various disciplines of Islamic studies. Students will study Islam and cover classical scholarly approaches, providing them an introduction to the rich Islamic tradition and application of the Islamic disciplines. The course establishes a basic foundation and introduction to Islamic Studies and prepares students for further academic study.

Students in the Miftaah Lite Program must complete 8 courses to graduate. Upon completing the Miftaah Lite Program, students have the option of transitioning into the 3 Year Associate of Islamic Studies Program.


2 Semesters
Arabic Conversation

Building upon what is learnt in Introduction to Arabic Grammar, this class aims to reinforce many of the concepts learned in Introduction to Arabic Grammar, increase students’ vocabulary, and introduce them to new grammatical forms. The class focuses on providing students with a firm grasp of phraseology that is common to both spoken and written speech, including, but not limited to, a thorough review of Arabic possessive, descriptive, vocative, and indicative phrases. The class also covers how gender is used in Arabic, the full range of Arabic subjective, objective, and possessive pronouns, and the Arabic broken plural. As with Introduction to Arabic grammar, preparation for class and homework are essential so that students may devote in-class time to communicating in the language rather than talking “about” the language. Upon completion, students will be able to formulate basic sentences and speak Arabic on a beginner’s level.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: First Steps to understanding Arabic

Arabic Morphology

This course provides students with a necessary base understanding of how Arabic root letters are conjugated to create different words. By the end of the course, students will know how to conjugate verbs in various tenses, determine base letters from non-base letters, and identify verbal patterns that convey information about the number, gender, and voice of the subject of a sentence. Students will also be able to identify the usage of verbs in the Qur'an.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used:

Arabic Grammar

This course consists of a systematic study of Arabic syntax and parallels the material learnt in Beginner Arabic Morphology I. The comprehensive text used in this course covers the various classifications of different types of sentences and the different components of a sentence’s anatomy, provides a basic but detailed understanding of the Arabic case system, and discusses how Arabic nouns respond to prepositions and verbs in accordance with the role the noun plays in the sentence.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Hidayat ul Nahw, Duroos ul Lughat (Shaykh Hashim al Qalam), Arabic Tutor 2

Arabic Literature

This course aims at giving students a chance to put their Arabic comprehension skills used in their first-year grammar and conversation class to use. It also develops those skills. The class uses Sheikh Abu Hassan Ali Nadwi’s classic didactic text Qasas al-Nabiyin (Stories of the Prophets) to provide students with a manageably challenging reading experience. The fun and engaging text of Qasas al-Nabiyin gradually introduces more complicated and varied grammar and vocabulary as the text goes on. Therefore, each qissah (story) becomes like a baby step towards higher level Arabic comprehension for the student. This class gives students the skill and confidence to begin digesting some of the Islamic intellectual traditions’ most difficult and important works.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Tafsir al Jalalyn

Quran Comprehension

Students will study a compilation of verses from both the Quran. Various ayahs will be analyzed covering areas such as grammar, syntax, definitions, and moral conduct, encouraging the student to improve their knowledge of the Arabic language.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Tafsir al Jalalyn, Safwtul al Tafseer

Hadith Comprehension

This class is an introduction to the comprehension of primary religious sources in their original language and forms the basis of one’s ability to interpret, analyze, and apply Islam’s holy texts. Using the concise and to the point sayings of God’s Messenger (pbuh) collected in the classical text, students will begin to utilize concepts learned in their morphology and syntax classes to understand the Prophet’s (pbuh) words. A discussion of the grammar and vocabulary included in each hadeeth will be accompanied by a lesson on the hadeeth’s meaning and a discussion of its application in our place and time.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: 40 Nawawi, Riyadus Saliheen HC

Tazkiah: Purification of the Heart

This Tazkiyah course will read and reflect over texts by Imam Ghazali, Imam Zarnuji, and other select texts. The objective of these readings is to train the student of knowledge by helping them learn practical tools to purify their hearts and build a stronger relationship with Allah SWT.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Purification of the Heart, Selection’s from Ihyaa, Ayuhal Wald Ghazali

Fall semester

Prophetic Description (Sham'ail)

Course Length: 1 Semester
Text Used: Miftaah PPT and Notes

Imam al-Tirmidhi's Al-Shama’il al-Muhammadiyya contains 414 Hadith that together present a detailed description of the moral, physical and spiritual qualities of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.This course is designed to give you the following:Deep knowledge of the character, behavior, and personal qualities of Allah's Messenger ﷺ.Understanding of why knowledge of the character of the Prophet ﷺ is central for all areas of the religion.Enriched appreciation for the world and the worldview of the Companions رضي الله عنهم and the Early Generations of Muslims.Renewed and strengthened love for Allah's Messenger ﷺ, knowledge of him, and desire to see him in this life and the next.

Islamic Science of Hadith (Uloom ul-Hadith)

Course Length: 1 Semester
Text Used: Introduction to Hadith Studies by Sh. Furhan Zubairi

This course introduces the student to the mustalah al-hadith. Classification of a hadith is based upon the chain of narration, context, strength of the narrators, number of narrators, etc. This course covers the very basic definitions pertaining to the classification of the hadith. The student will be able to comprehend the basic and common terminology used to classify hadith upon completing this course.

Quran Exegesis (Surah Maryam)

Course Length: 1 Semester
Text Used: Miftaah's Quran Exegesis: Surah Maryam

Complete translation and meaning of specific chapters  are covered in this course. Special focus is given to the syntax and etymology of the words and structure used in the verses of the Holy Qur’an. Along with the translation, the course also incorporates interpretations of selected verses which enable the students to fully understand the meaning of the Qur’an.

Winter semester

Prophetic Traditions II

Course Length: 1 Semester
Text Used: Miftaah 's 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi

This class is an introduction to the comprehension of primary religious sources in their original language and forms the basis of one’s ability to interpret, analyze, and apply Islam’s holy texts. Using the concise and to the point sayings of God’s Messenger (pbuh) collected in the classical text The 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi, students will begin to utilize concepts learned in their morphology and syntax classes to understand the Prophet’s (pbuh) words. A discussion of the grammar and vocabulary included in each hadeeth will be accompanied by a lesson on the hadeeth’s meaning and a discussion of its application in our place and time.

Fiqh al-Sawm and Zakat: Exploring Jurisprudence

Course Length: 1 Semester
Text Used: Miftaah PPT and Notes

Fiqh al-Sawm, the jurisprudence of fasting in Islam, represents a profound spiritual journey and a pillar of devotion during the holy month of Ramadan. This course offers a comprehensive exploration of Fiqh al-Sawm, providing students with a deep understanding of the principles, regulations, and spiritual dimensions of fasting in Islam.

Fiqh al-Zakat, the jurisprudence of zakat in Islam, stands as a vital pillar of social justice and communal welfare, encapsulating the spirit of compassion and solidarity within the Muslim community. This course offers a comprehensive examination of Fiqh al-Zakat, providing students with a deep understanding of the principles, regulations, and practical applications of this obligatory act of charity.

Principles of Fiqh

Course Length: 1 Semester
Text Used: Miftaah PPT and Notes

Principles of Islamic jurisprudence, also known as uṣūl al-fiqh are traditional methodological principles used in Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) for deriving the rulings of Islamic law. The traditional theory of Islamic jurisprudence elaborates how the scriptures (Quran and hadith) should be interpreted from the standpoint of linguistics and rhetoric. The course reviews the methods for establishing the authenticity of hadith and for determining when the legal force of a scriptural passage is abrogated by a passage revealed at a later date. An exposition of the methods by which the rules of Fiqh are deduced, covering the sources for Islamic law, rules of interpretation, commands and prohibitions, the consensus of opinion, and abrogation.

Alhamdulillah my experience so far is amazing, the vibe and the personalities of the teachers really bring the class together. They all know when to be funny and when to be serious. The topics for this year were absolutely amazing, my favorite class would have to be Mufti Abdul Rahman’s class “Etiquettes of a Seeker”. I feel like in whatever you’re learning, the teacher makes or breaks the class for you. Alhamdulillah these teachers are always positive and always put their students first.

Mujaba Ahsan
Year 2 Associate Student

I love coming to Miftaah; the classes give me tools to deal with hardships in life and help me be a better person overall. The instructors are sincere and real. We learn from not just what they are teaching about the subjects but their demeanor, their values and views and their stories and tangents.

Sumreena Hussain
Advanced Associate Student

Miftaah Institute has been an answer to my du'aas. The classes are very well taught and the instructors are exceptional. The best part about it is that if I cannot attend live, I can go back and watch the recordings. There are a lot of resources to help us understand and pass the class like the PowerPoints and the notes. The administration is also very receptive to any questions or concerns I have.

Fazia Abrahim from Sunrise, Florida  
Miftaah Online Winter 2022 Student

Course Instructors

Learn from traditionally trained scholars
Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed

Mufti Abdul Wahab is Co-founder at Miftaah Institute. He also travels extensively across North America for dawah purposes. Throughout his travels, Mufti Abdul Wahab has addressed communities across the United States  on a wide range of Islamic topics.

Shaykh Hunzla Zaidi

Shaykh Hunzla Zaidi was raised in Canton, Michigan. He started the memorization of the Quran at Masjid Bilal Ypsilanti under Qari Shahid Mahmood, and finished when he was ten years old. After middle school, high school, and a couple years of university level studies in the field of Biochemistry, Hunzla left the field and devoted himself full time to learning Deen. He studied at AlHussnain Seminary, a branch of senior scholar Maulana Tariq Jameel’s schools based in Pakistan. Shaykh Hunzla then finished his studies under the guidance of world renowned scholars in Jamia Uloom-ul-Islamia in Binori Town, Pakistan, receiving his certification of Hadith from there. He is currently a Miftaah Institute instructor.

Shaykh Hasan Sheikh


Experience the new Miftaah campus

Private and Group Study Pods
Miftaah Café
Lounge Area
Free Wifi
Free Parking
Free Breakfast Provided
Free Lunch Provided

Semester Schedule

Last day to register
January 5th, 2025
First day of semester
January 8th, 2025
Ramadan Break
February 27 - April 8th, 2025
May 7th, 2025

Program information

6:00 - 9:00
Medina Activity Center
1905 S Haggerty Road,
Canton, MI 48188
January 8th -
May 7th, 2025
3 Hour Sessions
15 and Older

Sign up

Limited Spots Available

sign up for the program

Miftaah lite:


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Apply for Financial Assistance

Click the link below to apply for financial tuition assistance or to pay your tuition in instalments payments.

Guidelines for Graduation

The Miftaah Lite Seminary Curriculum is centered around 6 Core Subjects

Quranic studies
Hadith studies
Islamic law
Islamic history
spiritual development
arabic language

One of the main factors that distinguish our program is its graduation requirements. To complete the program and graduate, students must receive a passing score for each course. To complete the Miftaah Lite program, the student must complete at least 2 courses per semester for a total of 8 courses over two years.

A total of 8 course courses are needed to qualify for the Miftaah Lite certificate. After completing 8 courses of the Lite program, students are encouraged to transfer to the Associate Program located at the Miftaah Campus.

2 classes
4 semsters
8 courses

Learn more

Not ready to enroll but want to learn more?
Download the program catalog to review program details.



What payment options are available?

Tuition payments may be made per semester.

What is the age group for the Lite Program?

The program is open to students that are 15 and older.

What is the program schedule?

Classes will be held Wednesdays from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST.

Where are classes held?

Classes are held at the Median Activity Center located at 1905 S Haggerty Road, Canton, MI 48188.

Will there be an online option?

No, the Miftaah Lite Program will be only available onsite.

What course material is provided?

Miftaah will provide course textbooks, and lifetime access to the student portal, including recordings, PowerPoints, and course material.